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Counter and Splits

The counter is a small block in front of a line in the document that can display text (usually counter for an objective). It is also used to set up splits for speedrunning.

Configuring a Counter

To configure the style of the counter block, define a new tag:

- tags:
      color: black
      background: orange

Then, use the counter property and this tag to add a counter:

- Example Section:
  - Line with counter:
      counter: .my-counter(woooo)

image of example


Counters can also have real functionality - automatically increment and display the count of something. Check out the Variable Plugin for how to do that.


Counters are also used for configuring split types for speedruns. Let's turn the my-counter tag into a split type!

First, add a description for the split type in the tag definition. This will tell Celer that you want to use this tag for splitting.

- tags:
      color: black
      background: orange
      split-type: My Counters # <- add this

You can see what split types are available in the document in the settings:

  1. Click on Settings in the Toolbar.
  2. Choose the Document category.
  3. Scroll to the Splits section. image of split settings

Checking the My Counters checkbox will enable splitting on counters tagged with the my-counter tag.


You can give the same split-type to multiple tags. Checking the box will enable splitting on all tags with that name.

Default Split Types

The split settings allow people who are viewing your route decide themselves where they want to split. As the route maker, you can also define a set of splits that should be on by default using the splits config:

- splits:
  - my-counter

Now, go to the split settings and click on Reset. You should see the My Counters type getting checked by default.

Export Split Files

See Export

Format Split Names


This section explains how split names are set manually with the split-name property. Most of the time, it's easier to use the split-format plugin to set this property automatically based on the split type.

By default, the split names in the exported split files are the same as the primary text of the line. You can change it with the split-name property.

- Example Section:
  # This split will have name "Split 1"
  - Split 1: 
      counter: my-counter
  # This split will have name "Split 2"
  - Some text:
      counter: my-counter
      split-name: Split 2

The variables plugin can be used to interpolate variables into the split name

- plugins:
  - use: variables

- Example Section:
  # This split will have name "Split 1"
  - Split 1: 
      counter: my-counter
        x: 1
  # This split will have name "x is 1"
  - Some text:
      counter: my-counter
      split-name: x is .var(x)