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Using Presets

Presets are customized line templates that makes it easier to configure the properties of a line.

A preset must be defined in the config to be used. Usually, you will load presets from configs other people made. You can also define your own presets by following the reference


A reference to a preset is _ followed by the name of the preset, like:


A preset name may have :: in the middle:


This is referred to as preset namespaces, which are used to group presets. In this case, Boss is the outer-most namespace, and Pig is a sub-namespace inside Boss. Finally, Big is the preset inside the Pig namespace.


Some presets can also take in variables:

_Preset<Hello World>

Here, the string Hello World is passed into the preset as a variable.

Some presets may require more than one variable, in which case they are separated with commas (,):



White spaces in variables are significant. _Teleport<1345, 8769> is different from the example above, because there is a space in front of 8769. The second variable will have the value " 8769". Sometimes it's ok, depending on how the preset uses the variable.


If the variable value contains , or >, you can escape it by prepending a \ The example below specifies a single variable with value Hello, World!:

_Preset<Hello\, World!>

The example below specifies a variable with value <foo>:



Escape \ with \\ to escape an escape sequence. _Preset<Hello\\,World\\> will take 2 variables Hello\ and World\. Note that this only works to escape \, and \>. _Preset<f\\oo,b\ar> will still take the variables as f\\oo and b\ar

Simple Usage

To apply a preset for a line, use the preset syntax as the text for the line. You can also customize the properties after applying the preset, just like a regular line:

- _Shrine::ShigmaFoo
- _Landmark::Mountain:
    comment: woo hoo

However, preset syntax in the text property will not trigger:

- placeholder:
    text: _Preset # this will be the text "_Preset" literally

Usually, the preset will define a text property. However, if it does not, the preset syntax string will be kept as the text of the line. Usually this means whoever made the preset is expecting whoever uses the preset to override the text.

If the text starts with _, but is not a valid preset, the text will also be kept and no error will be generated.

- _I just want this line to start with an underscore # this is valid

Multiple Presets

Multiple presets can be applied to a single line with the presets property:

- _PresetA:
    text: i have 3 presets applied
    - _PresetB
    - _PresetC


You can also do presets: _FooBar if you are only adding one extra preset


Unlike the simple usage, presets property will produce errors if any preset syntax is invalid, or the preset is not found in the config.

The presets property is applied first, and then the preset defined from the text. The order the presets are applied are:

  • PresetB
  • PresetC
  • PresetA

Later presets will override the same property defined by a previous preset. For example, if both PresetB and PresetA defines the comment property, it will end up with the comment from PresetA.

Finally, the extra properties defined in the line are applied last, and will override any preset

Movement Presets

Presets can also be used within the movements property. See Customizing Movements for more details.