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Movements and Markers

This section will cover properties that let you add movement points and markers to the map, including:

  • coord and movements
  • color
  • markers

Single Coordinate

Use the coord property to specify the coordinates on the map this line corresponds to. The coordinate specified should be a Route Coord

- Move somewhere:
    coord: [0, 0]
- Move somewhere else:
    coord: [1, 2, 3]


This is a shorthand that expands to the movements property with a single point. If both coord and movements are specified, coord will replace movements

Multiple Movements

The movements property can be used to specify more than one point of movement in a line.

- Move through 3 points:
    - [0, 0]
    - [1, 2]
    - [100, 200]


The color property allows you to change the line color. The change applies to all lines after this point, until you change it again. The color will also reflect in the document as a thin line to the left of the main column

- Change to red:
    color: red


The markers property let you put circles on the map without the line going through them.

- Markers example:
    - at: [0, 0]
    - at: [1, 2, 3]
      color: red

When color is not specified, it defaults to the same color as the line

Additional Properties

Each point in the movements array can be a mapping with additional properties. If using this form, the coordinate should be specified with the to property. All properties except for to are optional.

toRoute CoordThe point to move to
warpbooleanIf true, no line is drawn from previous point to this point
excludebooleanIf true, this point is not considered part of the line when fitting the map to document. (Has no effect on the map line itself)
colorstringSimilar to the color property for the line, change the line color from this point on until next line
iconstringID of an icon to show at the movement point. The icon will inherit the priority of the line.
markerstringIf specified, there will be a marker at the movement point. The string is the color of the marker, or use "" to default to the current color of the line


color: orange
  - to: [10, 20] # same as - [10, 20]

  # warp to [20, 30], temporarily change the line color to blue
  # and exclude this point from being used to calculate map view
  - to: [20, 30] 
    warp: true
    exclude: true
    color: blue

  - to: [5, 15]
    exclude: true

  - to: [15, 25]
    color: green

  # move to [30, 40], and put an icon there
  - to: [30, 40]
    warp: true
    icon: chest
  # move to [70, 80], and put a red marker there
  - to: [70, 80]
    marker: "red"

  # move to [0, 0], and put a marker there
  # with the same color as the original line (orange)
  - to: [0, 0]
    marker: ""
  # note that the marker is orange even though the line is green
  # because the green is only temporary for the movement

Movement Stack

The movement stack is a new system that replaces the away property of the older Celer format. This system allows you to save the state of the current movements and return to it at a later point, even from a different line.

There are 2 operations:

  1. push - Save the state
  2. pop - Return to the last saved state

The saved state includes both the position and the color of the line.


- Line A:
    color: red
    - [10, 20]    # at 10,20 now
    - push        # 10,20 + red is saved
    - to: [30,40] # Draw blue line from 10,20 to 30,40
      color: blue
    - pop         # Return to 10,20 and change back to red
                  # (will not draw line when popping)
- Line B:
    - pop         # Popping the current movement, and return to nothing
    - [50, 50]    # starting a new segment from 50,50
                  # (will have no line from 10,20 to 50,50)
                  # (color is red here, inherited from previous line)
    - [60, 60]    # draw line from 50,50 to 60,60
    - push
    - [70, 70]    # draw line from 60,60 to 70,70
    - push
    - [80, 80]    # draw line from 70,70 to 80,80
    - pop         # return to 70,70
    - [90, 90]    # draw line from 70,70 to 90,90
    - pop         # return to 60,60
- Line C:
     # will continue from 60,60

Functionality-wise, the movement stack is the same as using warp and color to manually change the location and color. However, it may save effort when changing the route since you have 1 fewer place to update.


You can embed movements from a preset by using the same syntax as you would for the presets property (See Using Presets). In this case, the movements from the preset will be injected into the movements of the line.

- Line:
    - [50, 50]
    - _Some::Preset # movements from the preset will be injected here
    - [60, 60]


When using presets in movements, properties other than movements of the preset are ignored.