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Route Structure

A route is basically a sequence of instructions grouped into sections. The route structure in Celer mimics this pattern.

On a high level, a route is a sequence of Sections, and each Section is a sequence of Lines.

Entry Point

Your entire route is loaded from the route property in project.yaml.

It is strongly recommended to put a single use there, that references another file as the entry point to the route. For example:

# project.yaml
  use: ./main.yaml

This is because Celer sometimes only loads project.yaml to grab necessary metadata for the route, such as the name and version. Having a small project.yaml can make the loading faster those scenarios. The compiler also utilizes project.yaml for caching.

Examples below will assume that the route is loaded from ./main.yaml


The route property is a sequence of Section objects. For example:

# main.yaml
- Section 1:
  - do this
  - do that
- Section 2:
  - do these
  - do those


You cannot have steps (lines) outside a section. It was possible with the old Celer but not anymore. However, you can have a preface before the first route section. See Preface below.

You can use the use property for one or more sections to load part of your route from another file:

# main.yaml
- Section 1:
    ... # defail not shown
- use: ./section-2.yaml
- Section 3:
    ... # detail not shown
- use: ./section-4-5.yaml

# section-2.yaml
- Section 2:
  - do this
  - do that

# section-4-5.yaml
- Section 4:
    ... # detail not shown
- Section 5:
    ... # detail not shown


The file you load should define a sequence of sections, even if it only contains 1 section, like Section 2 in the example.


The route can include a preface section before the first section. This is a replacement of the Banner feature in the old Celer format.

# main.yaml
- "This is the route for XXX, you may want to follow this video: .link("
- Be careful of XXX, YYY and ZZZ when you do the run
- Section 1:

Each element (i.e. text after -) specified before the first section will be rendered as one paragraph.

Rich text formatting is supported here and the example above uses the Link plugin to display a clickable link. See Tagging Text for more details on the Rich text system.


Note that the first paragraph is surrounded by quotes. This is because there is a : in the text, and YAML will treat it as a mapping without the quotes.

You can load preface text with the use property as well, similar to regular sections:

# main.yaml
- use: ./preface.yaml
- Section 1:

# preface.yaml
- just an example
- of a preface with 2 paragraphs


Each section in the route is a sequence of line objects. The simplest form of a line is just plain text:

# main.yaml
- Example Section:
  - this is a line
  - this is another line

Just like sections, you can load one or more lines from another file with the use property:

# main.yaml
- Example Section:
  - this is a line
  - use: ./some-lines.yaml
  - this is the last line

# some-lines.yaml
- Here are
- 3
- lines

The resulting Example Section will have 5 lines, with the 3 lines from some-lines.yaml placed in the middle, where the use is at.